Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Today's lesson is...TRUST

Hello again everyone! 
We had a group from The Cross, here last week and it was almost impossible to find time to sleep, much less write a blog post haha! It was so awesome to have some familiar faces here though and I'm so thankful for the week that we were able to have.  Cathy Scott and Lisa Slade, y'all were a HUGE blessing to me and I thank God sooo much, for both of you! 

Anyway, I can't believe that I only have three weeks left here. I must admit I have become seriously attached to the people here and if you see me the week after I get home I might be a slight wreck ;) 
Never in a million years did I think that I could fall in love with somewhere other than home as much as I have with this country and it's beautiful people. I have seen things that will forever change my life and my perspective and I can't thank God enough for that. I can only hope that I never forget the things I'm learning and that I will hold on to them for the rest of my life. 

For those of you who are wondering, Orlin is fine and I am pretty sure he knows I'm very partial to him and he totally takes advantage of it! La Yaguita has officially taken over a very special place in my heart and I dread the day that I have to say goodbye to my sweet friend, Karina and all of those awesome children. But for now I will enjoy every moment that I have with them! 

I was listening to Hillsong United's song "Oceans," this morning and thought back to a moment that occurred this summer. I had gone to visit a friend at Liberty University and there was one morning where I was really struggling through some stuff, so I stuck in my headphones and ran to the baseball field, so I could sit and pray. If any of you know me very well, you know that the baseball field was obviously the only logical place that I could go to clear my head..lol
Anyway, I was sitting in the empty stands looking out at the mountains when "Oceans," came across on my playlist. There is a line in the song that says, "take me deeper than my feet could ever wander..where my trust is without borders, in the presence of my Savior." I caught myself singing along, just out of habit and I stopped myself.... We often sing songs like this just out of habit, because they are catchy and have a good tune, but do we REALLY pay attention to what the lyrics are saying? I called my mom and asked her "do I really mean that? Do I really want God to take me where my trust is without borders?!" If you think about it, it's a pretty heavy thing to be singing. I decided in that moment that I really did want to go far beyond what was normal and comfortable for me and that I was tired of living complacent and stale, in certain areas of my life. I had just decided the week before that I would be coming here to the DR, but I had no idea what things would impact my life once I got here. I think God knew he had to get me to that point of wanting to trust beyond my borders before I ever got here and hearing that song again this morning totally floored me, because God has seriously pushed me soooo far beyond my borders! I never could have imagined what that moment was preparing me for, but God has everything so perfectly orchestrated and it seriously blows my mind. 

So many things have happened in the last year to six months and although it doesn't always make sense at the time, I can now see things that God was preparing me for things that were going to happen later on and I can't help but be in awe of Him. If you had told me two years ago that I would be spending seven weeks in a different country, doing missions...I probably would've laughed at you. I can't even lie.. To see where I am now and everything that God is doing is so amazing and I can't wait to see what happens even after I go back to the US. 

I also have a newfound appreciation for both of my parents. This may sound ridiculous, but to a certain extent I don't think I ever realized how truly blessed I have always been to have two parents that have always pointed me towards God and no matter how difficult I may have been at times they NEVER loved me any less and a big part of who I am and why I am where I am is because of them. 

Well, that's all for now! I hope you all have a blessed day! 

- Rachel xoxo

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

It's already been two weeks?..

Note to self...blog more often. Things pile up soooo quickly here and if I don't write them down fast enough I forget! 
Anyway, the last week has been a slight whirlwind and I can't believe that I've already been here for 2 weeks...like what?!

I'll pick up at last Wednesday.. On Wednesdays I head over about 25 minutes from where I am staying, to a small town called, La Yaguita. Within the city you will find a small school and church. Both are run by Pastor Ramon and his wife. Our family has been supporting Ramon and his family for many years and to be able to come here weekly for 7 weeks is pretty awesome. 
I am the "PE teacher," for the short time that I'm here. Obviously this is just too perfect for me and running around with children playing kickball and other games is pretty exciting! I have three classes in the morning and three classes in the afternoon of 15 kids per each class. Seriously, some of the most adorable children I have ever seen in my life and it has quickly become my favorite day of the week! 

I have also seen a few heartbreaking things, in my time at La Yaguita and about cried my little eyes out last week. My favorite little kid in La Yaguita, is a little boy named Orlin (pronounced OrlinG). He is 9 years old and quite a handful. Pastor Ramon and his niece told me that Orlin is one of the main reasons that he started the school, in the first place. He comes from a very twisted family and his home life sucks, to say the very least. Well, come lunch time last week Orlin was nowhere to be found. So, Karina (Ramon's niece) and I decided to go find him. He arrived at his house to find his mother in a foul mood and she shouted something towards the back of the house, until Orlin appeared. He had his head down and came shuffling out of the house, towards Karina and I. His mother told him to put his shoes on and kinda shoved his back out of the door. He started to walk faster ahead of Karina and I and wouldn't tell her what was wrong. He turned his head to look at us and in the process revealed a very large red mark, stretching from the back of his ear to his neck. It was in the shape of a horseshoe and was bright red. He said that his mother had hit him very hard with a thick type of wire and he showed us where he had marks all over his back as well. I couldn't handle it. It took everything in me to hold back tears. I grabbed his hand and wouldn't let him let go until we got back to the school. When asked why he hadn't been at school in a few days he said that it was because his mother wanted his younger brother whom she favored to go to school, but that she had told Orlin he wasn't allowed to and had proceeded to hit him several times, for sitting out in front of the house, earlier that morning. He sat in my lap and winced several times, as Karina put ointment on his spots. I couldn't comprehend something like this and it absolutely broke my heart. Safe to say, I didn't let Orlin out of my sight for the rest of the day. 

I will admit that once I got back to the house, told my mom what I had seen and experienced that day.... Then I cried. I was thanking God for blessing me with two Godly parents. I would never know what it was like to be in Orlin's shoes, but I can at least show him Christ and Christ's love, while I'm here. 

Friday, was my 21st birthday and I had the privilege of visiting one of the beautiful Dominican beaches, in Sosua. I couldn't have asked for a better off day, to relax and enjoy myself. I must admit that I'm not sure I will ever be able to enjoy American beaches as much as I did the beach in Sosua. There is absolutely NO COMPARISON. Sorry, US. 

After missing youth group the first week, due to being a complete lightweight when it comes to Dominican caffeine...and yes I almost passed out because I was shaking so hard. Try to refrain from laughing... Anyway, I was finally able to enjoy a night at the church, with all of the youth. Although the language barrier is a slight issue, I have greatly enjoyed getting to know so many of these young people that make up the youth group and am so thankful for the opportunity to spend time with all of them. There are so many people in there that really do love God so much and it makes me so happy knowing that they are there every week to chase after Him more! 

On Sundays I help out in the 1-5 year old Sunday school class. It is called "Ovejitos," which means "Little sheep." How absolutely adorable is that?! It's almost as a adorable as the kids. Sunday afternoons consist of lunch with the 3 girls who teach at Kasandras school and Angel ( my Dominican brother).  Followed by nap time and some sort of sports activity. Let's just say that this week, I figured out why I never played soccer competitively. It was a disaster, but totally fun and I would absolutely do it all over again. 

The last two days have been stuffed with cleaning out the office, to get ready for the group coming, visiting people in the church, taking stuff to different people and piano lessons at Roximis's. I'm super pumped to be heading to La Yaguita, in the morning and am sure I'll come back with many more stories. I had promised Orlin I would bring him candy tomorrow and Karina and I agreed that I would help her learn more English and that she will teach me more Spanish. 

Thanks to all of you who are praying....I appreciate it more than you'll ever know! Well, goodbye now, until next time 

-Rachel xoxo

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Southern slang is easier....

Hey y'all! 

My Spanish is taking a long time to catch on, so I thought I would stick to the southern slang. 
I have had some funny conversations with people, trying to use body language and motions. Thank God, Holly or someone is usually close by to help me out and translate! LOL. 
First off, I would like to bring most of the children that I have met, home with me to the US. Sorry, mom and dad haha. They are seriously the most adorable kids I have ever seen in my entire life and I can't even handle it! It has been a pleasure to meet the people that I have so far and I'm so excited for the next six and a half weeks that are ahead of me. 

I was laughing to Richie this morning, that it's by the grace of God that you survive each car ride down here. Joking, but not. At least they all know what they are doing. 
I have learned that air conditioning is a privilege! For those of us in the states who have air conditioning and complain when it's 85 degrees out, we need to hush and be thankful. We are a truly blessed country, even more than we could ever possibly comprehend!

Holly joked that every traffic light is a chance to Christmas shop, because of all of the people that try to sell you stuff, every time you stop...or if you are me, you may even get proposed to, while stopped at a light. No, I am not kidding. Although they have to translate, the things that some of the men have said literally kills me with laughter. 

I almost half expected myself to immediately miss everything at home, but surprisingly enough I haven't felt it yet. Perhaps it is because I know I am exactly where God wants me, for this short period of time. 
I am so thankful that I even have the opportunity to be here and I pray that somehow God can use me for good! 

Talk to y'all soon! 
- Rachel xoxo

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Round 2

Welcome to my blog...again. Okay, I've said it before and failed majorly...but this time I will try to hold true to my word and blog as much as possible. Although y'all only get the condensed version of what is actually going on in my head, at least while I'm gone it will give you a tiny glimpse of what I'm doing...hopefully. Without the prompting from my mother and Mandy Richards I can't say that I would probably actually care, but just because I love you both, I will give it my best shot. 

For those of you who don't know, I am currently in the Dominican Republic, for a 7 week missions trip. I realize this is out of the ordinary for most almost 20 year old girls, because according to popular belief, I should be in college, right now. However, I felt like I would be ignoring a calling that God has on my life if I went on and did my own thing in college and totally blew off what I know God told me so many months ago. 

I am insanely excited to see what God has in store for the next several weeks and I hope that I can share it with you all! Matthew 28:19 says that we are to go in to ALL NATIONS to proclaim Christ and I am so thrilled to have the opportunity to live part of this out, in the days to come! Your prayers and support mean more than you know, so thank you! 

See y'all in 7 weeks! 
Much love, 
Rachel xoxo